
5 tips for Choosing a good and genuine conference.

conferencesConferences are being organized both internationally and Nationally where one common plat form provided to the all participants. While Choosing a Conference some important points need to be remembered. There are various authorized and Govt. affiliated and nonprofit conference organizers who have been organizing the conferences time to time.

  1.    Ask you Guide, Professor or your senior to suggest the name.

Your Guide, Professor and senior may have the experience of attended various conferences in past and know the best organization according his or her area. So it a good way to take a suggestions from your senior.

  1. Search about the past Conferences of the organization.

Every organization now having a dedicated web portal which contains lots of information regarding the past events organized and the photos with banner. Some organization may provide the complete program schedule, speaker list and proceeding having ISBN  of the past conferences. So if you want to choose a good conference you should definitely check this information.

  1. Check the Organization office and existence.

The best way to search the existence is to visit personally to the office of the organization and collect the information about the upcoming conference you want to attain but some cases the office may be too far from you so you can take the help from your friend to find out the office if he/she stays near to the office address given by the organization. You can also check the bank account details of the organization.

  1. Talk regularly with the Conference Convener and visit the conference website.

You can also talk to the conference convener regularly during the registration process and if possible have talk with the Organizing head or other people associate with organization and keep visit the website regularly and check your registered mail so that any important information may not miss.

  1. Check the conferences listed in the conference promotion portals.

There are various online promotional portals available for the conferences where the portal check and investigate the conferences and then allow it to be listed on the website. So one can easily get alerted about the genuine upcoming Conferences in India. The best conference alerts portal is www.conferencealerts.in